You Re-Imagined

How It Works

Natural, safe, laser light energy is pulsed and absorbed by the subcutaneous tissue.

• Supercharges the body’s metabolism through ATP synthesis to burn fat as energy.

• Waste products are expelled from the body via sweat, urine and respiratory exhaustion.

• The body continues to burn fat for up to 4 hours after treatment.

• Collagen and elastin production is increased within the skin layers to rejuvenate and repair skin cells addressing cellulite, skin laxity and stretch-marks.

What it takes to be successful

  • Make it to your appointments

  • 2-3 visits per week


  • 1 Bottle of water one hour before treatment.

  • 1 Bottle of water immediately after treatment.

  • 1 Bottle of water one hour after treatment.

Program Accelerators

  • Weight Loss Drops

  • Aesthetic Performance Pack

  • WL Diet / Nutrition Plan


We will be evaluating your progress frequently throughout your program. Changes may need to occur in your treatments and/or lifestyle to continue success. We will advise you when necessary.

Clinical Data
(Statistically Significant

Type: FDA, IRB Approved (NCT03811093), Double Blind

  • Timeline: 3 weeks, 9 treatments per patient
    Sample Size: 800

  • Diet and Exercise: None

  • Outcome Measures: 95% Confidence Interval

  • Body Fat % Lost: 1.75% avg.

  • Pounds of Body Fat Lost: 0.52lbs per session

  • Fat Energy Metabolized per treatment: 1,761.66 calories avg.

  • Inches Lost: 10.16 inches avg.

  • Adverse Reactions:0

  • Success Rate: 100%

  • P-Value <0.01%

Before and After

Weight Loss

Cellulite Elimination

Stretch-Mark Fading

Skin Tightening

We do not accept everyone as a patient.

• We Have a 95% Correction Rate (50,000+ successful invisa-RED™ patients)

• We Only Accept 15 New Patients Per Month

• Reasons we can't move forward with you (Time, Money, Spouse, Commitment)

What is your goal?

Why is this important to you?

How Long have you been thinking about losing weight?

On a scale of 1-10 How serious are you about Achieving your goal?

(1 Not Serious, 10 Most Serious)

Your Next Step

Call 209-580-5767

Monday - Friday

10am - 6pm

or use the form below